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Outpatient Coding and Billing Audit Services


CBIZ’s Outpatient Coding Review Services ensure that coding is appropriate and accurate. Our approach emphasizes compliance and revenue optimization. We review what was documented, validate the assigned codes and make sure that charges are being captured appropriately. We perform reviews for hospitals, ambulatory service centers, clinics, and free-standing radiology and cancer centers.

In addition, our outpatient reviews include data analytics and reporting that highlight denial activity and, perhaps even more importantly, accounts that may be subject to future audit or recoupment. With decades of outpatient coding review experience, we have developed proprietary algorithms to identify these at-risk cases. Using the results of our data analytics, we provide benchmarking for both internal and externals best practices.

CBIZ’s Outpatient Coding Review Services offer an independent, third-party look at a vital function of the hospital revenue cycle. Our experience, data analytics, communication and breadth of reporting will ensure a thorough review, ideal to track coding accuracy or identify potential areas for improvement.